what we do

Herd Health & Hoof Services

The Hoofman can offer you a range of services to help you reduce issues with lame cows, as well as create a long-term, healthy herd strategy to tackle the root causes of hoof issues on your farm.

We’re Waikato-based, can provide preventative trimming to up to 80 cows per day, and as Johan isn’t just a trimmer but is also a qualified veterinary technician and experienced dairy farmer, you know your cows will get the best care possible.

Expert Hoof Trimming

Regular hoof trimming can keep your herd healthy. Hoof trimming of your cows’ claws can help improve their gait and re-balances the weight distribution on their claws. This helps to stop live tissue damage on the inside of the claw and reduces lameness. It’s also good to note that incorrect trimming of the outer claw by non-professionals can exacerbate issues directly leading to lameness, so protect your herd by hiring a professional. We can provide preventative trimming services for up to 80 cows per day, so book us now.

Assessment & Treatment of Lame Cows

Lame cows need immediate treatment to help reduce their impact on your bottom line.  Johan, The Hoofman, is not only a trimmer but is also a qualified veterinary technician and can provide safe, effective and stress-free treatment for your lame cows using expert techniques and our state-of-the-art hydraulic WOPA cattle crush. This gives your cows the best chance of a fast and full recovery.

Hoof Knife Sharpening

Maintaining your hoof care equipment is key to looking after your cow’s hooves and reducing health and safety risks. Johan is experienced at servicing hoof knives and tools, so if your hoof equipment is in need of a spruce up or you need help sourcing hoof equipment, please let us know.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Regular hoof maintenance checks for your herd should be part of your strategy to prevent lameness. The Hoofman can operate on-site as part of your team to provide consistent and experienced hoof care for your herd and help you increase farm profitability. We can work with both small herds and large herds, and have the ability to provide preventative trimming services for up to 80 cows per day.

Tech-Based Farm Strategy

Early detection and prevention of lame cows is important for protecting farm profitability. Our smart technology helps you to track hoof issues in your herd while recording and collating data on lesions leading to lameness. We can then work with you and your team to identify the root causes leading to lameness on your farm and create strategies to help. 

We Believe in Safer Farms & Smart Technology

Reliable Reporting & Smart Tracking

Never worry about losing treatment records, tracking hoof health or managing hoof-related animal welfare issues when working with The Hoofman. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide you with reliable Cloud-based treatment records, scheduled re-checks, and individual and herd health reports that can be easily shared with your vet.

Fast & Safe Animal Handling

Your cows’ happiness is our top priority and our state-of-the-art WOPA hydraulic cattle crush includes integrated foot support blocks that allow us to create a stress-free environment for fast, safe and effective treatment.

Biosecurity Procedures

We take herd health seriously, and safety is a priority when visiting your farm. All equipment is cleaned and disinfected before arrival. Our WOPA animal handler is pressure washed and treated with isopropyl alcohol, a powerful disinfectant. On the farm, we ensure hoof hygiene by cleaning each cow’s hooves before trimming. Before leaving, we properly dispose of consumables and disinfect our equipment and vehicles.