Hoof Education

Doing it right the first time

Understanding hoof issues and why cows become lame is essential when keeping your herd healthy and maximising production. Listen in below and let Johan answer your common hoof questions.


Why Hoof Trim Cows

Even a small injury to a cow’s hoof will mean she alters her locomotion to protect the injured area. This changes her locomotion leading to further hoof changes and the potential for long term damage. Listen in to find out about these changes and how they’re impacting your bottom line.

Hoofman Equipment

Good equipment is key when maintaining hoof health in your herd. Find out which tools should only be used by experts and how we can help you maintain your hoof tools.  

How to Trim a Cow’s Hoof

When trimming a cow’s hoof you want to think about three things: length, height, and bearing surface. Let us talk you through the five-step method to help you achieve these goals.

We Talk Front Feet

Lame cows with sore front feet are easy to identify but they are hard to treat safely in the shed without health and safety risks to either you or the cow. Let us show you how we expertly treat injured front feet in our cattle crush.

Why use Wooden Blocks

Wooden blocks are an important tool when treating lame cows as they elevate the weight off the injured claw to promote healing. Listen in to find out why we prefer wooden blocks and how to fit them correctly.